Finding the Guru Within


In yoga, it’s important to find a teacher or guru that resonates with where you want your yoga practice to go: someone you look up to, who shares your morals and ethics (or at least the ones you ideally want to cultivate). A teacher who knows the practice, who has a teacher and daily practice of their own, and who perhaps even comes from a yogic lineage (Ashtanga, Iyengar, Viniyoga etc.).

Finding a teacher is definitely significant. But what’s even more significant is being your own teacher. I’m not saying everyone should jump into a teacher training program; instead become reacquainted with your body and allow it to speak to you, to teach you.

The yoga practice includes developing different aspects of the self, the soul, and relationship to community.  But one of the most important things, in my opinion, is this flourishing self-awareness that yoga promotes over time. You don’t have to be a spiritualist or a “New Ager” to benefit from listening within.

My intuition is the best gift I’ve given myself in a long time. I use my intuition when I’m choosing what to buy at the grocery store, what will benefit my students the most in class, what path to take on my journeys. Listening to your intuition is key in your practice. When we clear our intuition of the fears, expectations, and doubts of others, we begin to let that small inner voice become louder. If your body wants that extra Surya Namaskar A (Sun Salute) then that’s what you need in that moment. If your body is exhausted and overwhelmed and wants to take child’s pose for 10 breaths, then let it. You will benefit more from listening to your own body and what it needs than going to a million yoga classes.

Listening to your inner voice, your intuition, will connect your body, mind, and spirit in ways you never even thought possible. Your practice will automatically grow deeper and better (and I’m not talking about touching your toes or putting your head behind your head here). You will recognize that your body is sacred, and that above all, it is your most significant, well-equipped teacher to guide you through life. Listen to it.